Monday, February 2, 2015

The fool hath said in his heart

“The fool hath said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’  They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” (Psalm 14:1)

We Christians would resent being called an atheist.  But what is the difference in an atheist and a “practical” atheist. An atheist boldly declares that there is no God, no judgment, no heaven, no hell, no word from God and no consequence for sin.  A true Christian believes all of these and lives life accordingly. A practical atheist, however, claims to believe all these but doesn’t practice Christianity. 

  • An atheist never reads the Bible.  A practical atheist claims to believe the Bible, but never reads it.
  • An atheist recognizes no rules from God.  A practical atheist disregards God’s rules.
  • An atheist does not pray because he believes there is no God to talk to.  A practical atheist never takes time to pray although claiming to believe in prayer.
  • An atheist never tells anyone what God has done for him.  A practical atheist never shares the good news of Jesus and eternal life.
  • An atheist never acknowledges his sin, nor his need for forgiveness. A practical atheist never confesses his sin, never repents, is only sorry if he gets caught.
  • An atheist will not acknowledge the hereafter and lives for the present. A practical atheist lives like this life is all there is and gives all energy to houses, lands, cars, trucks, boats and things.
  • An atheist has no faith in God.  A practical atheist, though claiming to be a child of God, lives in fear and never trusts God.

The Bible says, “You believe there is one God; you do well: the devils also believe and tremble.” (James 2:19) It’s one thing to believe all the facts about God.  It is quite another to stake all of life and eternity on the Person of Jesus Christ and to live as though you are totally trusting Him.

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