Friday, February 6, 2015

How’s Your Health?

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” (3John 2)

Our nation spends billions of dollars on health care annually. It is one of the leading industries in most of our major cities.  People go regularly to gyms and athletic clubs to work out. Joggers, runners and bicyclists pass in front of my house every day.  We are a nation of health conscious people.

John’s Christian friend, Gaius, apparently had a healthy soul but not a healthy body.  John’s concern was that his friend’s physical health would improve and be as good as his spiritual health. Unfortunately, the problem is just the opposite for many of us. It is our body that is healthy but our soul is wasted, sickly and starving from lack of attention and spiritual nourishment.

If we would give as much attention to our spiritual health as we do to our physical health the church buildings would not hold the people. Revivals would break out as people would get right with their families, friends and others. There would be repentance of sinful ways and people would confess their sins to God. It can begin with just one person.

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