Monday, December 11, 2017

The Groom and Best Man

"He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30)

In a wedding setting describing Jesus and John the Baptist, it’s not a stretch to say that Jesus is the bridegroom, John is the best man and the church is the bride. John was describing the groom’s role and the role of the best man.

I have been to many weddings and performed numerous ceremonies for young couples. Except in some comedy on television I have never seen the best man try to steal the bride from the groom. The spotlight is not on the best man. The role of the best man is to be the friend of both the bride and groom. He is to make sure all arrangements are made properly while remaining in the background, out of sight.

John’s attitude, “He must increase but I must decrease,” is the proper attitude of all the followers and friends of Jesus. We are to point people to Jesus. We are not to present ourselves, our music, our church building or our programs ahead of Jesus. The spotlight is not to be on us but on Jesus Christ.

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