Wednesday, December 27, 2017

No Longer a Baby

“…He is not here…” (Matthew 28:6)

These words are recorded in each of the three synoptic gospels. They were spoken by the angel to the women who came to the tomb. He is no longer in the tomb. He is risen. The tomb is empty.

We can apply these words to the empty manger where Mary laid Him. He is not here. We no longer worship the Christ-child as the shepherds did. He is no longer a baby.

When Jesus went with Joseph and Mary to Jerusalem for Passover, on the way home suddenly they realized, “He is not here.”

If we take a walk to Calvary and look up on the cross we discover the cross is empty, even though He paid the price for our sins there and His blood was shed there, He is not here.

If we make a journey to Jerusalem and go the tomb as the women did we discover as they did, “He is not here.” The tomb is empty.

Where is He? He is our High Priest seated at the right hand of God in heaven making intercession for us. He is in the hearts of believers everywhere. He is in the midst of a small group of believers when even two or three are gathered together.

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