Friday, December 1, 2017

Be Ready

“Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh.” (Matthew 24:44)

As we make preparations for Christmas we have a deadline marked on our calendars when we celebrate the first coming of Jesus in Bethelhem. However, no one knows the time of the second coming of Jesus. It is not marked on your calendar.

Damage is done to the Christian testimony when someone claims to have a new revelation from God concerning the end. We were told in 1988 when three comets aligned just right that Jesus would come at that time. It never happened.  Some false prophet made the announcement that Jesus would return this past September 2017. Did it happen?

Jesus never told when His return would take place. He simply said for us to always be ready. We are to live as though He could return today.  Don’t look for signs; look for the Son.

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