Thursday, December 14, 2017

A Word from the Lord

“Is there any word from the Lord? And Jeremiah said, ‘There is.’” (Jeremiah 37:17)

Zedekiah, king of Judah, was facing certain captivity at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar the king of the Chaldeans. Zedekiah had put Jeremiah in prison because he did not like Jeremiah’s message. When the king released the prophet, king Zedekiah asked, “Is there any word from the Lord” thinking perhaps that jail time had softened the prophet and that he had changed his message. There was still a word from the Lord and it had not changed.

There is always a word from the Lord, and it never changes. Sin is still sin. Right is right and wrong is wrong.  Our God is a God of mercy, compassion, patience, grace and love. But these are not to be understood to mean that our actions do not matter to God.

Hell is still the eternal destiny for those who reject Christ and do not believe on Him. Heaven is still the eternal home of those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Centuries have not altered it. There is a word from the Lord.

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