Thursday, December 28, 2017

And Jesus Grew

“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”
 (Luke 2:52)

Although Jesus’ purpose in coming into the world was not to set an example, He did set an excellent example. He set an example for us in obedience to the Father. He set an example in self-denial and humility. He set a worthy example in service to others and in forgiving others who may have been unkind to us.

Jesus set the standard for what a man is to be. He was fully man. He also set the standard for what God is like. He was fully God. If salvation came by following Jesus’ example none of us would make it. The standard is much too high for us to reach.

Most of all, even though He is a good example, He was the perfect sacrifice for the overwhelming sins of mankind. I encourage all who have not called on Him for salvation to receive Him by faith.

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