Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Print of the Nails in His Hands

“Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands…” (Isaiah 49:16)

I have a preacher friend whom I have seen several times take a ball point pen from his shirt pocket and write a phone number, or name, or address or some brief important note to himself in the palm of his hand. He will leave it there until he can find a note pad on which to write this important information.

God is saying through His prophet to the Jews, “You are very important to me. I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” It is much as a sculptor might take a hammer and chisel and permanently sculpt the names of God’s people in the hands of a granite or marble statue of the Lord.

We know our own hands, the wrinkles, the warts, the calluses, and the scars that are there. We will not forget what is written in the palms of our hands or how the calluses and scars got there.

If you are one of His you are permanently engraved in His hands by the print of the nails of the cross which were placed there by His love for us.

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