Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A Little Girl With a Big Lesson

“And she said unto her mistress, ‘Would God my lord were with the prophet that is in Samaria! for he would recover him of his leprosy.’” (II Kings 5:3)

She is a little, Israelite slave girl, captive of the Syrians, apparently separated from her parents. She is serving the wife of one of the officers of the army that was responsible for her captivity. We do not know her name. She is one of the many unnamed people whose contribution to God and humanity are recorded in the Bible.

She could have said nothing and could have seen Naaman’s leprosy as a pay back for her being in captivity. She could have wished that he would die a slow, agonizing death from leprosy. She could have said, “His suffering is good enough for him!”

However, she wanted his suffering to end and his life to be spared. She told her mistress that if she could get Naaman to Elisha the prophet of God in Samaria he would recover Naaman of his sickness.  She had confidence in the prophet and in the prophet’s God. How wonderful when children are brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, to know God, to be acquainted with His servants and that as they grow they do not depart from it.

I encourage you to have your children in the presence of Christ, His word, His people and His teachings Sunday after Sunday. It is not too soon to start.

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