Monday, April 4, 2016

Jesus Again in the Midst

“And after eight days again His disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, ‘Peace be unto you.’”  (John 20:26)

Just as He had done a week earlier, Jesus came where the disciples were, behind closed doors and stood in the midst. The only difference in these two appearances is that Thomas was absent the first time and was present the second time. Jesus even spoke the same words, “Peace be unto you.”

This could have been an opportunity for Jesus to have scolded Thomas for his absence last Sunday, but He did not scold him. The pulpit must have a larger message than, “Where were you?” “Why weren’t you here?” Today’s pastor must feed the sheep, not scold the sheep, beat the sheep or fleece the sheep.

Again, just as He had done last Sunday, Jesus came and stood in the midst. It was a visit from the Chief Shepherd, a visit which Thomas would never forget.

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