Tuesday, April 26, 2016


“And Jesse fathered David the king; and David the king fathered Solomon of her that had been the wife of Uriah.” (Matthew 1:6)

Someone asked, “How do you explain God allowing David to be the king of Israel after committing adultery with the wife of a soldier in David’s army, who was fighting a battle? And the king in an attempt to cover his sin had her husband murdered in battle? (II Samuel 11) One word explains it: GRACE.

There have been no sinless people serving in any position in the Bible. In the listings of the genealogies of Jesus in Matthew and Luke we see adulterers, prostitutes, murderers, fornicators and idolaters, but no perfect people. Only one sinless Man is listed in the Bible and we crucified Him.

The Bible is not about perfect people. It is about the grace of our perfect God. It is about God’s offer of forgiveness to sinners. If God waited for sinless, perfect people to get His work on earth done it would never get done. God uses people who acknowledge their imperfections and sinfulness to tell a lost world where to find forgiveness.

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