Monday, August 17, 2015

The Welcome Committee

“Then Martha, as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming, went and met Him: but Mary sat still in the house.” (John 11:20)

Mary and Martha were two women with two different personalities, with two different ways of expressing their love for Jesus. Martha knew how far along the road Jesus would be and where to meet Him. So, being the out-going, take charge person she was, she went to meet Jesus.

Mary stayed in the house, waiting for the arrival of the Savior. She had been at the feet of Jesus listening to Him talk when He came for a visit and a meal. But Martha, wanting to make everything just right for such an honored guest, was busy getting the meal ready. (Luke 10:38-42)

We see these traits in Christian people today. Jesus is coming again. There are the “take-charge” people, busy here and there. They seem to be on the “Arrangements Committee.” They have joined efforts with those on the “Time and Place Committee,” busy making sure everyone will meet Him at the right time and place, according to all the prophetic charts. Then there are those who have learned to wait on the Lord. They are on the “Welcome Committee.” They are watching and patiently, yet eagerly waiting for the Lord’s return. Just to have the Savior return and to sit at His feet for all eternity is enough for them. He is in charge now and will be in charge then.

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