Tuesday, August 25, 2015

No Heaven on Earth Yet

“And some of them said, Could not this man, which opened the eyes of the blind, have caused that even this man should not have died?” (John 11:37)

The thinking of the skeptics goes something like this: “If Jesus can do all these miraculous things then why are there earthquakes or tornados or why is there cancer or why is a young mother’s life taken in death leaving four small children to be raised by their father?”  The thought is that if He loved us He could just snap His fingers and there would be no more problems, no sickness, no wars, no calamities, no heartache and no death.

The Jewish thought was that when the Messiah would come there would be “heaven on earth,” and all their enemies would be defeated. But they failed to see the full picture. There had to be the Messiah’s sacrifice on the cross for sins. Man’s sins from the fall in Genesis chapter three would have to be dealt with. Mankind would have problems on earth (John 16:33) until the millennial reign of Christ, known as the “Kingdom Age,” spoken of in both the Old and New Testaments. Not until then will there be perfect peace on earth, with no sickness, no wars, with agricultural production on earth surpassing all previous records. It’s what earth would have been if sin and the accompanying curse had not come into the earth in Genesis chapter three.

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