Monday, August 10, 2015

The Sacrifice that Satisfies God

“He shall see of the travail of His soul, and shall be satisfied…”  (Isaiah 53:11)

Men are forever looking for a sacrifice that will please God and that will absolve man of guilt over his sin. The Rich Young Ruler asked Jesus, “What good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life? (Matthew 10:16) Through the ages people have asked a similar question. In Old Testament days, the heathen neighbors of Israel offered their children in sacrifice to Moloch, the false god. Their children were the best sacrificial gift they could think of. Certainly, burning their children alive did not please nor satisfy God.

There was and is only one sacrifice for sin that would ever satisfy God. That sacrifice  must be absolutely sinless, without blemish, perfect, powerful and voluntarily willing to die in the place of sinners. That sacrifice is His Only begotten Son who died on Calvary’s cross. Don’t make up some useless sacrifice in an attempt to placate God for your sins. Trust the Lord Jesus Christ, the only sacrifice that will please God.

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