Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Send For Jesus

“Therefore his sisters sent unto Him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick.” (John 11:3)

Jesus had eaten meals in the home of the two sisters, Mary and Martha and their brother, Lazarus. We know that they loved Jesus and that Jesus loved them. Sickness and death are no respecters of persons.

Good, Godly, upstanding servants of the Lord as well as outlaws and hoodlums get sick and have other serious problems. A young man of my acquaintance, whose parents have devoted their lives to ministry, is himself a servant of the Lord. Doctors have discovered some cancerous tumors in his body and must be dealt with soon. This young man loves the Lord and the Lord loves him and his family just as Jesus and Lazarus’ family loved one another.  This young man has requested the prayers of my wife and me and other believers. We have “sent for Jesus.”

Sickness is not a sign that God does not love us. The Apostle Paul had his “thorn in the flesh.” Mary and Martha did the right thing: they sent for Jesus. What are you going through? Jesus loves you. He has not abandoned you. Send for Him and trust Him to handle it.

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