Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Saying and Doing

“He that saith, ‘I know Him,’ and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”(I John 2:4)

It is the responsibility of a pastor or preacher of the Gospel to preach the Bible and trust the Holy Spirit to direct the hearer to examine him/herself and see if they are living in the Lord’s will. We are to direct the disobedient, as well as the faithful followers, to Jesus.

A.T. Robertson in his, “Word Pictures in the New Testament,” points out the meaning of these words as, “The one who keeps on saying, ‘I know Him,’ and keeps on not keeping His commandments is a liar.” (1)

Some people have, “selective obedience.” They select the commandments they like and ignore the difficult ones. In such a case, Jesus is not Lord.

You have no doubt heard the statement, “What you are doing speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you are saying.” It matters little saying we are following the Lord Jesus. It matters much if what we are doing matches what we say.
(1) A.T. Robertson, “Word Pictures in the New Testament,” Vol. 6, page 210, Broadman Press, 1933

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