Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Constant Cleansing from Sin by the Blood of Jesus

“…and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” (I John 1:7)

The word, “and,” at the beginning of this clause indicates that in addition to having fellowship with God and fellow believers we also have constant cleansing from sin by the blood of Jesus.

Allow me to explain. When you and I placed our faith in Him for salvation we were cleansed by the blood. In our every day life, living constantly in the presence of sin and temptation sometimes in an unguarded moment we sin. In those cases His blood is constantly cleansing us. The word, “cleanseth,” indicates continuous action.

Underground coal miners down near the face of the coal in that dark, dark mine have coal dust all over them, their clothes, their hands and caps. They are black everywhere except the whites of their eyes. The reason the whites of their eyes remain white is because their tear ducts are constantly cleansing the dust from their eyes. That is a picture of the continual cleansing of believers by the blood of Jesus.

When Simon Peter objected to Jesus washing his feet Peter said, “Not just my feet, but also my hands and my head.” Jesus responded by saying, “You have had your bath but your feet have gotten dusty from your journey. We only need to wash your feet.” (John 13:4-10) The blood of Jesus keeps on cleansing from our sins even when we are out of fellowship with Him.

“Oh, precious is the flow that washes white as snow…”

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