Wednesday, August 16, 2017

More Assurance

"But whoso keepeth His word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in Him.” (I John 2:5) 

A preacher friend told of an assault made on him when he was a teenager. Four tough teenage boys met him on the way home from school. They kicked him, beat him with their fists and with sticks. They blacked both is eyes. He went home and got his father’s shotgun, planning to kill at least three of them with the three shells in the gun. As he was going out the door his father stopped him.

Two years passed. He met one of the boys in an alley. My friend spoke words of greeting, kindness and good will to the other boy. It was a congenial meeting. After he walked on a little farther he asked himself, “What’s wrong with you. Why didn’t you take advantage of such an opportune rare meeting?” The Holy Spirit spoke to him and reminded him that about a year after he was attacked he had accepted Christ as his Savior. All the feelings of hate, bitterness and vengeance were gone.

The only cure for hatred, malice, ill will and getting even with one’s enemies is to allow Christ to come in and change us from the inside.

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