Friday, August 25, 2017

Do You Know Father God?

“I write unto you little children, because ye have known the Father.” (I John 2:13c)

This is the second time in as many verses that John addresses the “Little Children,” the babes in Christ.

Many years ago I was called to pastor a church in a community where my father had grown up and the same church where he attended as a child and as a young man. Many times I would hear, “I knew your father. He was a good man and a friend.” It was wonderful to hear such statements. But of all the people who knew my father I knew him best.

They knew “about” my father but I knew him as, “Daddy.” He and I worked in the fields together. We talked together. We drank from the same dipper hanging over the water bucket. We sat at the same table and ate our meals together. He disciplined and corrected me. I knew my father because we spent much time together.

John says of these babes in Christ, “Ye have known the Father.”  Many people today know about God but they do not know God. Accept Christ as your Savior and be “born again” into the family of God. Get to know the Father personally and intimately.

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