Saturday, August 5, 2017

Fullness of Joy

“And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full. (I John 1:4)

While our relationship with God is eternal, the same cannot be said of our fellowship with Him. When we stop having fellowship with our Lord and with other believers we have no joy. John says that he is writing about fellowship that our joy may be full.

When King David committed his sin with Bathsheba, it was more than nine months later that God sent Nathan the prophet of God to David to rebuke him for his sin. (II Samuel 11, 12) It was here that David prayed a prayer of repentance and asked God to, “Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation.” (Psalm 51:12) The king’s fellowship with God had been broken because of his sin. Consequently, he had no joy for that period of time.

When you and I sin our fellowship with God is broken and our joy is gone. When we pray a prayer of confession and repent of our sin our fellowship with god is made full again. I encourage you to have fellowship with God in prayer, Bible reading, assembling with other believers and following Him in obedience.

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