Tuesday, July 11, 2017


“Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved.” (Philippians 4:1)

The word, “therefore,” ties the first eighty-one verses of this epistle to the last twenty three. The word answers the “so what” or “why” of that which came before.

The apostle has told us that he thanks God for every remembrance of the Philippians (1:3).  He has reminded them that God began the work of redemption in them and that He will complete it (1:6) He admonishes them to stand firm and to be united in the church (1:27).  He reminded to let the mind of Christ be in them (2:5-8).  He told them of the Lordship of Jesus Christ (2:8-11).  He encouraged them to put the past behind them (3:4-10).  Paul tells them of the enemies of the cross of Christ (3:17-19).  Finally, in chapter three He reminds them that our citizenship is in heaven and that we are looking for the return of the Lord Jesus (3:20-21).

The labels he uses here in our text tell us how deeply he loved these saints in Philippi. With more yet to be said, and on the basis of what he has said to them in the first three chapters, he tells them to stand fast or firm in Christ. Loving someone, be it a family member, a friend on the job or a fellow believer, does not excuse lax living for them or for us. The admonitions of Paul to the believers in Phillippi are just as important to all believers today.

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