Thursday, July 6, 2017

Leaders and Followers

“Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an example.” (Philippians 3:17)

In another place the great apostle told his readers, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.” ( I Corinthians 11:1)  Whether or not we realize it, there are people observing us and following our example.

A “shade tree mechanic” friend of mine was working on his car in his front yard. Every time he went under his car his four year old son did the same. When he went to his tool box to look for a tool the son went also. An old Christian man was observing this from across the street. The old man went over and greeted his neighbor and said, “Your little boy wants to be just like you and is taking every step you make. You have a responsibility to be saved and live for Christ in front of the little fellow.”  That was more than forty years ago.  Today the dad and his son are actively involved in the church.  The old neighbor is now with Jesus.

Paul says, “As long as I am following Christ, follow me.”  Where is your example taking others who follow you?

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