Friday, July 21, 2017

Let Your Giving be a Sweet Sacrifice

“Notwithstanding ye have well done, that ye did communicate (share) with my affliction.” (Philippians 4:14)

Many times as a pastor when offering time comes on Sunday morning I made it a point not to call attention to the bills as a reason for giving. Rather, I encourage folks to give because they love Jesus. I believe that raises our giving to a much higher and nobler purpose.

Paul had said that he could live on meager fare but that they did well in sending their gift. In the next verses through verse eighteen he lets them know that they were the only church that shared with him.  “Your gift to me was as a sweet sacrifice to God,” he said.

When you and I give to our churches or to a legitimate ministry, we should give it as if it is a gift to God.

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