Monday, July 3, 2017

A Fugitive Apprehended

“…but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which I am also apprehended of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians3:12)

The picture before us is that of a fugitive running from his pursuers and finally being apprehended or caught.

Paul was the “fugitive” running from the Lord. The Holy Spirit “pricked” him many times with conviction (Acts 9:5). He is now caught or apprehended on the Road to Damascus.  

So, now the former fugitive has a desire to, “apprehend,” or catch that which caught him. He has been saved, born again and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. No longer a fugitive running away from God, now he is running toward God. He wants to grow. He is like a tree that my son planted in my front yard twenty-five years ago. It was a tree then, but not mature. It is still much smaller than the more mature trees in the yard, but it is a tree, much larger than it was when it was planted, and is growing and maturing.

If you have genuinely repented and turned to Christ in faith and are saved, you surely want to grow toward maturity, not becoming more saved, which is an impossibility, but knowing more about the God who saved you.  

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