Sunday, March 25, 2018

Vain Preaching

“And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain.” (I Corinthians 15:14)

So much of our preaching is dependent on the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, that if Christ is not risen then all our preaching is in vain. It is useless, just words, if He is not risen. Our sermons become at best lectures on morals and Jesus is preached as a good example for men to follow.

I heard it said of one preacher that he could tell folks how to get from Jerusalem to Jericho but could not tell them how to get from earth to heaven. That’s vain, useless preaching.

Preach the resurrected, living, Son of God. The resurrection of Christ is foundational to all we preach. If a man does not believe the Biblical account of the Lord’s resurrection he should stay out of the pulpit.

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