Sunday, March 4, 2018

Morning Prayers

“My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.” (Psalm 5:3)

Prayer is always appropriate, whether morning, noon or night. A prayer in the morning helps me get started and ready for the day. One of my favorite poems is this one entitled, “The Secret.” It has been an encouragement to me. I pray that it will be a blessing to you.

                                          The Secret
I met God in the morning, when my day was at its best,
            And His presence came like sunrise, like a glory in my breast.

All day long His presence lingered, all day long He stayed with me, 
            And I sailed with perfect calmness, o’er a very troubled sea.

Other ships were blown and battered, other ships were sore distressed,
            But the winds that seemed to drive them, brought to me a perfect rest.

Then I thought of other mornings with a keen remorse of mind,
            When I, too, had loosed the moorings, with His presence left behind.

So I think I know the secret, learned from many a troubled way,
            You must seek Him in the morning, if you want Him through the day.

Poems for Sunshine and Shadow, Back to the Bible Publishers, compiled by Ord L. Morrow and John I. Patton; copyright 1962, “The Secret” page 68

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