Saturday, March 17, 2018

The Tragedy of Wrong Choices

“There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” (Proverbs 16:25)

I was going north on Interstate Sixty-five planning to exit. As I started down the exit ramp I met two old men in an old car coming up the exit ramp headed south. I blew my horn, flashed my lights and waved my arm out the window. They waved back, and headed on south in the north bound lanes of I-65. They thought they were right but could easily have been killed, maybe even taking the lives of others. We have all seen similar cases on the TV news that resulted in tragedy. I never knew how their wrong choice ended.

Multitudes of people make the wrong choice about how to get to heaven. They go merrily along, thinking that even though they are being warned, they reject the Son of God and feel good about themselves. The road was clearly marked for those two old men but they ignored the signs and warnings from others.

Many people totally ignore the Bible, God’s love letter to mankind. Are you ignoring the directions to heaven?

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