Thursday, March 8, 2018

Sailing by Faith

“Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.” (Acts 27:25)

Paul and 275 others were on a small ship sailing for Rome when a storm arose. God sent an angel, a messenger of God, to tell him everyone would make it to shore. Paul’s response was one of faith. We glean some truths from Paul’s statement of faith.

  • Faith needs to be shared with our fellow man who is riding out the same storm as ours in the same boat with us.
  • Faith begets joy and cheer to others. 
  • Faith has a foundation. The foundation of faith is the word of God. Without that foundation all we have is wishful thinking.
  • Faith has a finality about it. Paul did not question the message from God’s messenger.  We can step out on faith with trust in the word of God. It is not necessary to be looking for assurances from other sources.
  • Faith has a follow-up. None of the 276 abandoned ship in the midst of the storm. They sailed on with all the odds against them. In your storm, stand on the solid foundation of the Bible. It is always too soon to “throw in the towel” and quit.

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