Thursday, April 6, 2017

When a Starving Soul finds the Bread of Life

“And Levi made Him a great feast in his own house: and there was a great company of publicans and or others that sat down with them.” (Luke 5:29)

It has been said that evangelism is a starving man who has found food telling another starving man where to find food.

Levi left his former lifestyle and occupation and followed Jesus. Soon, perhaps that evening or the next day, Levi made Jesus a great feast in his house. It should come as no surprise that many of the invited guests were fellow publicans, tax collectors. These were the people he knew. They were the ones with whom he socialized. They were his business associates. He knew their longing to be loved and accepted. He had been starving for the bread which Jesus gave him. So, he made the great feast for Jesus and he invited his companions. Others came also.

Perhaps you recently received the “Bread of Life” and you are a changed person. Invite the people in your circle to feast with you. There is enough to go around. Invite them to hear the gospel message of Jesus with you Sunday morning when you meet with other hungry souls who have found food.

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