Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Grave: A Temporary Stop before Resurrection

“And He made His grave with the wicked, and with the rich in His death; because He had done no violence, neither was any deceit in His mouth.” (Isaiah 53:9)

In the cemetery where my parents are buried there are some good, Godly people. In that cemetery are also buried some indecent scoundrels. One man in that cemetery was guilty of breaking his marriage vows numerous times. Another was a known drunk. There is the body of a young acquaintance that died honorably in battle in Vietnam.  Also in that cemetery is a well known and highly respected family doctor who was the attending physician when each of my siblings and I were born. He was a deacon in the church that cares for the cemetery where all of these and many more are buried.

In the cemetery where Jesus was entombed were perhaps the two thieves who were crucified with Jesus, one of them accepting Christ and the other belittling and rejecting the Savior. Later, Joseph of Arimathaea, the rich man who begged the body of Jesus and placed Him in his own tomb hewn out of rock, would be there.

Jesus was the only perfect and sinless man to ever be placed in that or any other cemetery. Jesus needed Joseph’s tomb for three days only and then He would vacate it for a higher plane. Sunday was coming and nothing could hold Him in the tomb beyond that. It’s a story that never ends. There is more tomorrow.

Celebrate the Risen Christ

Auburn Baptist Church
115 North Lincoln
Auburn, Kentucky
Sunday at 11:00 am

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