Monday, April 24, 2017

Brotherly Love

“Let brotherly love continue.” (Hebrews 13:1)

In the old song, “Give Me the Old Time Religion,” one of the verses says, “Makes me love every body, makes me love every body, makes me love every body, it’s good enough for me.”

Many years ago in a church I was part of as a teenager an elderly gentleman had this phrase in many of his prayers, “Lord, bind us together in brotherly love and tender compassion.”

The word that is used here in our text represents tender affection. It is the word Peter used when Jesus asked him after His resurrection, “Peter, do you love me?” Peter responded, “Lord, you know I love you. Peter was not willing to say, “I give you my life sacrificially. But I do have tender affection for you.”

In our text God is saying “Have tender affection for one another.” That’s good counsel for church fellowship today when tenderness is too often missing.

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