Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Let Others See Jesus in You

“…Sir, we would see Jesus.” (John 12:21)

In some churches, on the pulpit where the pastor places his Bible, someone has inlaid the words of our text in wood so that any preacher who stands behind that sacred desk will see them. The congregation wants to see Jesus.

I was making afternoon visits with a pastor whom I was helping in a revival. We came across a gentleman who had recently moved into that community. When we asked him about his former church and the name of the pastor he said, “I can’t remember his name, but he bragged on Jesus a lot.” That’s the highest compliment that can be given any preacher.

Christian, you are saved and going to heaven and it’s possible for you to live the Christian life because of Jesus. The world, your friends and your family want to see Jesus in you. Does your life brag on Jesus and give testimony to your salvation?

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