Friday, April 21, 2017

Stand Still and Listen

“…stand thou still a while, that I may show thee the word of God.” (I Samuel 9:27)

Samuel the prophet was prepared to anoint Saul the Son of Kish to be the first king of Israel. Samuel had been directed of God to choose and anoint Saul who knew nothing about leading a nation. It is at this point that Samuel tells Saul to “stand still that I may show you the word of God.”

The people of Israel had sinned in asking for a king, the Bible says. But God allowed it. As they prepare to enter uncharted waters Samuel says to the nation basically what he had said to Saul: “Now therefore stand still, that I may reason with you before the LORD of all the righteous acts of the LORD, which He did to you and to your fathers.”  (I Samuel 12:7)

“Standing still” is the opposite of running ahead of God at your own pace.  Neither is “Standing still” being lazy. It is taking time to hear God’s direction. God spoke through Isaiah saying, “Come now and let us reason together saith the LORD…” (Isaiah 1:18) It is much more difficult to get folks to stand still and hear the Word of the Lord than it is to get them excited over a ball game or a pizza party.

Stand still, giving God your undivided attention that He may show you His word. You can do that in your private devotions at home. Or you can do that at church as you listen to the sermon God has given the pastor for that day. Hear the Word of God.

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