Friday, April 14, 2017

For Others

“He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare His generation? For He was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was He stricken.” (Isaiah 53:8)

According to jurisprudence of that day, there were a number of illegalities in the trial of Jesus. First of all, there was no witness for the defense and no witness for Jesus was sought. Secondly, all witnesses, whether for the prosecution or defense, were to speak from certain factual knowledge and never from hearsay. Third, the vote or verdict of the judges was to be taken down in writing and each standing in turn from the oldest to the youngest was to read his verdict. But, our Lord’s “guilty” verdict was by tumultuous accusation. There was no justice in the trials of Jesus. The main concern that day and the night before was to get rid of Jesus by whatever means necessary.

Isaiah assures us that the arrest, trial and capital punishment of Jesus was for the sins of others, not for Himself. As we approach Easter and you read about Jesus’ death at Calvary be assured that He died for you.

Celebrate the Risen Christ

Worship Service Sunday at 11:00 am
Auburn Baptist Church
115 North Lincoln
Auburn, Kentucky

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