Monday, August 8, 2016

The Redeemed of the Lord

“Let the redeemed of the LORD say so…” (Psalm 107:2)

In the country church from my childhood where I was saved, I recall the “testimony meetings,” usually impromptu testimonies at the mid-week prayer meeting service or during the Sunday evening worship service.

I recall the old saints getting up and telling how the Lord had saved them by His grace. Sometimes there would be tears. Other times there would be joyful laughter. Occasionally there would be a genuine shout of rejoicing as someone told how God had changed them. It was a time for the redeemed of the Lord to say so. Always, it was a time of praising the Lord and giving Him thanks.

As I have gotten older I realize that the redeemed of the Lord should say so in private, on the job, at school, at a friend or neighbor’s house, as well as in a testimony meeting within the four walls of a church house.

Wherever we are, the redeemed of the Lord should let the world know by our words and by the life that we live. The world is waiting for genuine word of praise and testimony from the redeemed of the Lord.

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