Sunday, August 28, 2016

Don’t Condone the Things that God Opposes

“…Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” (Romans 1:32)

God’s Word reminds us of how desperately sinful we are that He might show us how desperately we need Jesus to be our Savior. The first three chapters of Romans show the exceeding sinfulness of mankind.

In Romans 1:18-28 we see listed God’s view of some of today’s accepted yet sinful lifestyles and then in verses 29-31 we see a list of twenty-three items on a “bill of particulars,” of some of mankind’s sins. This is followed by our text which tells us that not only do men do those things but have pleasure in those who do them.

In this day of “political correctness,” we are not to oppose many of the sinful lifestyles that have the judgment of God upon them. We are supposed to accept some of the most ungodly, outlandish behavior known in the history of humanity.

We Christians must be careful for whom we vote in elections lest we vote for someone who condones the things that God opposes.  

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