Friday, August 26, 2016

Brotherly Love

“Let brotherly love continue.” (Hebrews 13:1)

A child was praying his bed time prayer. He was asking God’s blessing on Papaw and Mamaw, the new baby calf, his kindergarten teacher and the old dog that was sick. He prayed for his preacher and then said, “Excuse me God. I gotta go kick my ornery brother.” That was not brotherly love.

The words, “Brotherly Love,” are from the Greek word, Philadelphia,” the same as that city in Pennsylvania, the city of brotherly love. I wonder if every one in Philadelphia loves every one else in that city. I seriously doubt it.

A young man with both mental and physical afflictions attended a certain church regularly. When someone asked him why he attended that church he said, “…because they love a fellow over at that church.” That was brotherly love.

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