Saturday, August 6, 2016

The Biggest Fool of All

“The fool hath said in his heart, ‘There is no God’…” (Psalm 53:1)

An atheist died. On the day of his funeral folks came by the coffin to express their grief and to offer comfort to the man’s family. One of the mourners was overheard to say, “Just think. He’s all dressed up with no place to go.”

But, denying the reality of heaven or hell for eternity does not alter the fact that each of us will live forever in one of those places.

With the abundant evidence concerning heaven and hell and with even more abundant evidence concerning God’s great love in sending Jesus to save us from hell and to give us a home in heaven, only a fool would reject it all. Plus, the atheist is rejecting God’s grace, mercy and strength to see him through the present difficulties and trials on earth.

Don’t be foolish. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and receive Him into your heart.

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