Monday, August 15, 2016

Living the Christian Life in Difficult Conditions

“First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.” (Romans 1:8)

The Christians in Rome were living in a very difficult place. It was the place of emperor worship and false gods represented by every kind of idol imaginable. Even in the midst of these difficulties the saints in Rome continued to have faith and to live their faith. They had a faith that others in the known world heard about and talked about.

That is the kind of faith we must have in this present sinful world. When the world is inclined to mock and ridicule our way of life and the things we believe in and stand for, pray for faith that will stand the test and that others will see as being real and will be an encouragement to them.

It is one thing to live the Christian life on Sunday morning within the four walls of a building, surrounded by other believers.  The Christians in Rome were examples of living the Christian life in hard places and in hard times.

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