Saturday, February 6, 2016

Pray for the Family of Faith

“Brethren, pray for us.” (I Thessalonians 5:25)

The word, “brethren,” is an inclusive word, including all the members of the family of God. Used in this context where Paul is addressing a church the word, “sisters,” would be equally inclusive. Examples are found in Romans 16:1, 15 and I Timothy 5:2.  I believe the word “brethren” used here is including both men and women.

He refers to the fellow believers, these members of the household of faith, these spiritual brothers, a number of times in this epistle. Paul is probably still a member of the church of Antioch when he writes this letter or perhaps a member of the church of Corinth, his location as he writes. Even though he is not a member of the Thessalonian church he considers them to be his brothers. To be called “brother” by a fellow believer is one of the greatest blessings I know of.

The apostle is requesting the prayers of the church for himself, Silas and Timothy. Many of our Christian brothers and sisters around the world are being persecuted and even killed because of their faith in Christ, their Biblical beliefs and their Christian walk. They are part of our family and desperately need our prayers.

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