Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Pleasing God in the Little Things

“A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.”
(Proverbs 11:1)

When my older brother was about fourteen years old our dad let him raise a small portion of his allotment if my brother would help with the rest of the crop. When it came time to sell his crop the warehouse-man weighed the first of five baskets of his tobacco. To everyone’s surprise that first little basket lacked thirteen pounds weighing anything. You can imagine the concern of the farmers who had had large crops of tobacco weighed that morning before my brother arrived with his crop. Not only were the farmers irate and demanded their crops be re-weighed, it was an abomination to God.

I remember an elderly gentleman from whom I bought corn for my cows. He would weigh each grass-sack of corn individually. After weighing each one and making sure the weight was correct, he would put three or four more ears of corn in the top, “for good measure,” he said. I believe that deed delighted the Lord.

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