Thursday, February 4, 2016

Don’t Put Out the Fire

“Quench not the Spirit.” (I Thessalonians 5:19)

The Holy Spirit has been likened to a fire, sometimes flaming high, and other times more like glowing embers. In either case He is doing His work.

When the Holy Spirit speaks to us through the Word of God, through prayer or through the spoken word from the pulpit we must not “put out the fire” or quench the Holy Spirit. When we feel the urge to share a word of witness or testimony of salvation in Jesus, or we are impressed to share some of our goods with someone less fortunate than us, or when we know that God is calling us to ministry to be a missionary, a preacher or pastor or a Sunday school teacher, we must not throw cold water on that fire. We must not be guilty of quenching the Spirit. Don’t put out the fire.

Let the Lord through the Holy Spirit have His way in your daily life.

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