Friday, February 26, 2016

Godly Instruction for Young Pastors and Other Servants of God

“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (II Timothy 2:15)

I call First and Second Timothy, “Instructions for Young Pastors.” Paul was writing to his young Christian friend, Timothy, who was pastor of the Church of Ephesus. There is much instruction here with which all Christians should be acquainted.

Our text instructs the young pastor to study. Newer translations say, “Give diligence.”  “Diligently study” would be appropriate. A preacher or pastor who doesn’t study has nothing to feed the sheep. He is to study, to show himself approved unto God, not ashamed when he stands before the people. The exhortation is to “rightly” divide the Word of Truth. The implication is that if one does not “rightly” divide the Word of Truth he will “wrongly” divide it, a grave mistake that happens too often. 

If you are not a pastor I strongly encourage you to insist that your church give your pastor time and space to study the Word of God. And tell him he is not to use that extra time to go fishing or golfing!!!

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