Sunday, February 21, 2016

Are You a Burden Bearer

“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)

Robin Roberts of Good Morning America, co-wrote a book entitled, “Everybody’s Got Something.” Published in 2014 when she was struggling with cancer and its treatment, the title comes from her mother when Robin was a child. Robin acknowledged that she was not the first nor would she be the last person to go through a similar battle with cancer or something just as bad or worse.

As a pastor I have ministered to parishioners going through that or some other dreadful disease. I must agree; everybody’s got something. It is not always physical nor is it always related to health. But it’s a burden and it’s real. They should not have to bear it alone. Everybody needs someone to reach out a hand and help bear their burdens.

We are to bear one another’s burdens. It is the Christ-like thing to do. Be the kind of person that fulfills the law Christ, of loving others as we love ourselves.

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