Monday, May 4, 2015

You Need Jesus Christ

“Jesus saith unto him (Thomas), I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” (John 14:6)

While serving in a revival in North Fairfield, Ohio, pastor, A.R. Hawkins and I were making visits, inviting people to the revival. We were introducing people to the Lord Jesus. We came to a house, and were greeted at the door by a young lady in her mid-teens. As we started telling her about Jesus she put this question to us: “Who needs Jesus Christ?” And then she shut the door.

When I have explored that question through the lens of God’s Word my answer is, “There is not a person who does not need Jesus Christ.” Jesus said that He is the only way to God. Everyone facing eternity needs Him. People in hospitals, both the patients and the medical staff, need Him. The rich young ruler in the Bible, seeking answers from Jesus about eternal life, needed Jesus. Nicodemus, the religious Pharisee needed Jesus. Sisters, Mary and Martha mourning at the tomb of their brother, Lazarus, needed Jesus as well as those in the same circumstance today need Him. Our cities torn apart by rebellion and rioting need Jesus. Our world, as never before, desperately needs Jesus.

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