Friday, May 29, 2015

God Began it: He Will Finish It

“Being confident of this very thing, that He which bath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6)

If you are a Christian, a saved person, God began the work of salvation in you through the work of the Holy Spirit.  He convicted you of sin and led you to Jesus Christ. Even though you may have been very young and had not committed major crimes and major sins, or you were the biggest sinner in the county, He showed you how desperately you needed Jesus to come into your life.  Then He led you to trust Him.

After you got saved He led you to serve Him and gave you faith to follow Him. He has sustained you from then until now. You can be assured that He will keep you until He takes you to Himself in death or He comes again for the church in the rapture.

I see in this verse the three tenses of salvation.
            Past - I have been saved from the penalty of sin.
            Present – I am being saved from the power of sin.
            Future - I shall be saved from the presence of sin.

A little song says, “He’s able, He’s able, I know He is able; I know the Lord is able to carry me through.”

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