Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Remember You

“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.” (Philippians 1:3)

You have perhaps seen this verse when someone has written to you and your mate, giving you best wishes on an anniversary, birthday, or Christmas greeting. Perhaps you have used this verse when writing to others on those occasions.

Paul is writing from prison and he is encouraging fellow believers to have joy in the Christian life.  In prison he remembers his stay in Philippi and how he came to be there in the first place.  Perhaps he calls to mind what is commonly spoken of as, “Paul’s Macedonian call,” the vision of the man saying “come over into Macedonia and help us.” (Acts 16:9) He probably remembers those first converts. There was Lydia, then the young girl possessed with a spirit of divination, and the jailer and his household, saved at midnight. He remembered the Philippian Church’s  sacrificial offerings for the Lord’s work, written about in his second epistle to the Church of Corinth.

While we are remembering others, as we did over the Memorial Day week-end, let’s remember and pray for our fellow Christians who have added so much to our Christian experience. And, let us live the Christian life in such a way that when others think of us they will thank God for what they remember about us.

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