Monday, May 25, 2015

I Do Remember My Faults

“Then spoke the chief butler unto Pharaoh, saying, I do remember my faults this day.” (Genesis 41:9)

When Joseph, the son of Jacob was in jail, having been falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife of wrong-doing, he met Pharaoh’s butler and chief baker. Each of these two men had dreams which Joseph correctly interpreted for them. Just like Joseph interpreted, the baker was executed and the butler was delivered. Joseph said to the butler, “Think on me when it shall be well with you and mention me to Pharaoh.” (Genesis 40:14) Two years passed, Joseph is still in prison and Pharaoh had dreams he could not understand. Pharaoh called for the magicians of Egypt who were of no help. The Butler said, “I do remember my faults this day.” As a result, Joseph was delivered from prison, correctly interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams and became second in the land only to Pharaoh, and invited his father Jacob and Jacob’s sons to come live there.

To make a long story short all of Joseph’s family, including his eleven brothers and his father Jacob, came to Egypt and lived there four hundred and thirty years because one man remembered his faults after two years.

I often wonder what would happen if, when someone has wronged another, they remembered their wrong doing, confessed it, repented from it and started walking with the Lord. Memorial Day is a day of remembering good thoughts concerning those who have gone on. Do we not need a day that we can remember our un-confessed faults and sins and get things right with God and with one another?

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