Monday, October 20, 2014

Pray in the Word of God

I have known some prayer warriors in my lifetime.  Whether or not we are
ever known as a prayer warrior, I think most Christians desire that God hear
and answer their prayers. In previous studies we discovered that God cannot
answer prayers that we never pray.  Nor will He answer prayers that are not
in the will of God.  (I John 5:14)

Nor, will God answer prayers that violate His Word or the principles of His
Word, the Bible.  For instance, I don't have to pray about tithing because
the Bible teaches us that we are to do that.  It is stressed in many places.
Malachi 3:8-10; Matt 23:23; Hebrews 7:1-9 and others.  God is not going to
change His rules on tithing just because we have prayed about it.

Nor do I have to pray about sharing the Gospel with the lost.  God's Word
makes it very plain that we Christians have a command, a duty, an
obligation, a commission and a privilege of sharing the good news of
salvation in Jesus.  To tell you I have prayed and God said none of that
applies to me would contradict the Bible.

The tenth commandment, found in Exodus 20:17 says, "Thou shalt not covet
thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's  wife....., nor
anything that is thy neighbor's."

I knew a pastor with a wife and children and there was a woman in his
church with a husband and children.  They left their partners and went to a
distant city in another state and said they had, "prayed about it and God
told them to leave their mates and marry and start a new church in that
distant city." All of that is in strict violation of the Word of God. We are
safe in saying that God had nothing to do with their decision.  They may
have said words but God did not answer in opposition to His Word.

If you want your prayers answered get in the Word of God and stay there.
Read it, meditate on it, study it and live by it.

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