Friday, October 10, 2014

O Taste and See

My introduction to cooked beets was as a six year old having them passed in
front of me at the evening meal. I refused them saying that I did not like
them. My dad said, "You don't know til you try one," whereupon he opened my
mouth and stuck a beet in.

Fast forward about seventeen years. I am a twenty-three year old pastor of
my first church. My wife and I are seated around a large table with a very
gracious older couple who have prepared a Sunday lunch fit for a King and
Queen. Every kind of vegetable you can imagine, including beets, which are
squarely in front to me. The lady of the house said, "Now don't be bashful.
Take whatever is front of you and pass it on." What would you have done? I
had not attempted to eat beets in seventeen years. I dipped out some beets
and ate them and took some more when they came back around. I discovered
that I liked beets.

Can I tell you about my Savior, my Lord, my King, my God. Can I tell you
about His grace? Can I tell you about what it's like to be saved, to have
your sins forgiven, to know that He has paid your sin debt? Can I tell you
how good an orange is? You must taste the orange for yourself. Likewise, you
must taste the Lord for yourself. Experience Him one on one. Come to Him
with all your sins, your doubts, your hurts and your guilt. The Psalmist
said, "O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that
trusteth in Him." (Psalm 34:8)

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